INTERNATIONAL BREAST ULTRASOUND COURSE - Multimodality Imaging & Interventional Techniques - Lectures, interactive presentations, "Hands-on" practical workshops - SEPTEMBER 7 - 10, 2011 FERRARA (ITALY)
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al 10/09/2011 alle 18:00
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High quality breast ultrasound is now firmly established as an essential technique for proper breast diagnosis. It is the imaging technique of first choice with significantly better sensitivity and specificity compared to x-ray mammography for the investigation of breast symptoms in younger women. In the assessment of older women, ultrasound is complementary to mammography and adds valuable information in the further evaluation of detected abnormalities.
High resolution breast ultrasound provides a unique quick, painless and inexpensive method of ascertaining the nature of both palpable and impalpable breast lesions and is also accurate in determining the absence of significant disease. Breast ultrasound is the preferred imaging technique for the assessment of symptomatic breast problems, and is also the technique of first choice for image guided percutaneous breast and axillary biopsy.
This intensive programme will cover theoretical and practical topics related to breast ultrasound and in conjunction with other breast imaging modalities will demonstrate the optimum utilization of imaging for the detection, diagnosis and assessment of early breast cancers and benign conditions. The role of imaging and interventional procedures will be thoroughly evaluated in order to provide the best clinical results in patients with breast disease. The highly structured and certified course, and the scenic renaissance city of Ferrara ensure a unique experience for all participants.
E. Durante, Italy - J. Jellins, Australia - H. Madjar, Germany - G. Rizzatto, Italy
Dr Jeff Bamber, Surrey – UK
Dr Roberta Chersevani, Gorizia - Italy
Dr Stefano Corcione, Ferrara - Italy
Prof. Enzo Durante, Ferrara - Italy
Prof. Sylvia Heywang-Köbrunner, Munich - Germany
Dr. Jack Jellins, Sydney - Australia
Prof. Helmut Madjar, Wiesbaden - Germany
Prof. Ellen B. Mendelson, Chicago - USA
Prof. Woo Kyung Moon, Seoul - Republic of Korea
Prof. Alexander Mundinger, Osnabrück - Germany
Dr Stefano Panareo, Ferrara - Italy
Prof. Patrizia Querzoli, Ferrara - Italy
Prof. Giorgio Rizzatto, Udine - Italy
Prof. Ei Ueno, Tsukuba - Japan
Dr Christian F. Weismann, Salzburg - Austria
Prof. Enzo Durante, Chairman
General Surgery, University of Ferrara, Italy
The “International Breast Ultrasound Course: multimodality imaging and interventional techniques” is arranged by the International Breast Ultrasound School (IBUS), and hosted by the University of Ferrara’s Institute for Higher Studies.
The course consists of a four-day programme with lectures, “hands-on” workshops and interactive sessions.
The programme is available to clinicians and breast health professionals from all countries, and is presented in the English language. Comprehensive educational resource materials are provided.
The course is open to a maximum of 50 participants.
The deadline for the standard registration fee is July 31st, 2011. After that date, a surcharge of 25% will apply.
The "INTERNATIONAL BREAST ULTRASOUND COURSE Multimodality Imaging & Interventional Techniques. Lectures, Interactive Presentations, "HANDS-ON" Workshops" is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an Institution of the european Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS),
The "INTERNATIONAL BREAST ULTRASOUND COURSE Multimodality Imaging & Interventional Techniques. Lectures, Interactive Presentations, "HANDS-ON" Workshops" is designated for a maximum of, or up to 24 hours of external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that she/he actually spent in the educational activity.
EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician's Recognition Award (PRA). To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA.
The "INTERNATIONAL BREAST ULTRASOUND COURSE Multimodality Imaging & Interventional Techniques. Lectures, Interactive Presentations, "HANDS-ON" Workshops" received 32 Italian CME Credits.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Certificates will be given only to participants who attend the entire CME activity.
Palazzo Tassoni
Via della Ghiara, 36 - 44121 Ferrara, Italy
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