Dettagli dell'evento
al 08/09/2007 alle 18:00
Persona di riferimento
Recapito telefonico per contatti
The “Intemational Ultrasound Breast Course: multimodality imaging and interventional techniques” arranged by the Intemational Breast Ultrasound School (IBUS) is a six-day program with lectures, workshops and interactive sessions meeting requirements of both European and Italian Continuing Medical Education activities.
The program will be presented in English, and is suitable for clinicians and breast health professionals from all countries.
A folder of comprehensive educational materials will be provided.
The Italian CME Commission - Ministry of Health has granted 34 CiViE credit to the Course. EACME credits awards to be communicated.
The Italian Ministry of Health has granted 34 CME credits to the course.
The EACCME has granted 33 European CME credits (ECMEC) to the course.